Shadia Zalwango (in the middle) with fellow youth leaders during the leadership training workshop of elected youth leaders in Nansana division on the 28th of March 2021 at Swaffa gardens..

Shadia Zalwango opted to run as an independent candidate in the recently concluded youth elections in Nansana despite the magnetic pull which attracted most political hopeful candidates struggling to join the Prominent National Unity Platform (NUP).This she says was basically due to not being partisan and avoiding being limited to a specific political party. She wishes to share her beauties with all the youth irrespective of the political party. A reason she used a symbol of a ball expressing the need of more players on her team to mobilize the spectators (voters).

Zalwango notes that,’’ As a youth I intend to lead rather that to rule, this is a special attribute to my leadership.’’
Since I was 9, my inspiration from the likes of the right honorable speaker of Parliament of Uganda Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga. I therefore developed a passion of being a leader so that I can make a wrong turn into a right and thus my choice of being a pillar. 
I developed my interest in leadership way back in school where I always wanted to be the voice for the voiceless and I have forever executed my ambitions with confidence.
Apparently, I am the elected youth secretary for labor in Nansana division and secretary of Nansana Westward zone development association. And in my area of more authority, I am the secretary Nansana strive youth development association.
My leadership will take on a new spiral which is purpose oriented rather than goal centered, my voters should expect more transparency, protection against manipulation with accountability, integrity and love.
‘’With personal efforts and no illicit play like briberies at all I managed to become victorious mostly through one on one talks with the electorates.’’ says Shadia adding that ‘’Negotiating with the different youth groups around Nansana division and utmost self-esteem enabled me to win.’’

Zalwango Shadia is a 20 year Muslim lady born on 1st January 2001 to Kirya Josephine and Zziwa Siraje of Nansana West 2B she has only one sister lovely Namugenyi Shifrah.
She sat her Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) at Kiddawalime Preparatory school Namungoona and St Julian High school Gayaza for both Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE). She is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Education (BAED) Literature and English from Makerere University.
Shadia was a Sheikhat (leader of the Muslim Community) between 2015 to 2017 and an information minister between 2018 and 2019 while at St Julian high school.
The female youth counselor of Nansana division Nankubuge Irene is one of the reliable sources for important information. 
Nansana is a division is Nansana Municipality which is Wakiso district, with an estimate of 2.3 million youth and more in the making due to the regular transformation in the age. Many of these youth are jobless, a possible cause of many more vices, a reason why the leadership question is so inevitable in my area.
As the youth Secretary for labor Zalwango is building more connections for its these networks that are most resourceful during her transformation into a better political leader.

Shadia attributes her success to the outgoing speaker Nansana Division Kasanafu Faizal Galiwango, Walakira Nyanzi Ronald youth chairperson west 2B and the outgoing Councillor Nansan west Ward.


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