Namakajo is looking forward to representing his fellow youths in EALA

Above and beyond, the Electoral Commission in Uganda as established under Articles 60 and 61 of the 1995 Constitution, we have the EAC Treaty which obligates the Parliaments of member States to ensure that while electing representatives to EALA, democracy is upheld and gender is considered. Article 48 and 50 of the EAC Treaty.

As long as you are not a Member of Parliament, you can vividly contest as per the Treaty of EAC. Voters those are Hon members of Parliament.

Elections are due in November as it shall be further confirmed by the Parliament of Uganda. 

Namakajo Deric Fredric is a young lad focused to reach all heights by showing that yes, we the youth can, he is a lawyer passionate with the issues of Human Rights and rule of Law but above all seeing Youths representing fellows Youths in all Aspects.

Fredric is a Christian by religion and subscribing to Justice Forum (JEEMA) a political Party based in Mengo.

Justice Forum with an acronym JEEMA which means Justice, Economic, Education inclusiveness, Morals and African Unity.

This means that throughout my representation to EALA the element of African Unity is key and as such being one of my points to embark on once am elected. Thus, people of Uganda are to benefit from through programs premised in our Acronym.

Deric is a legal officer with Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI), Legal and Research officer with Wakiso District Human rights Committee, an active member and legal officer of the justice Forum and above all a Partner with GM. KIBIRIGE AND CO ADVOCATES.

He hails from a humble family in Luwero District, Bamunanika Constituency, Kikyusa Town Council and is born to Ssalongo Muzza Patrick and Mrs. Nambooze Agnes.

Namakajo started his leadership from the High school level but became part of leadership while in university level where he served as Guild Prime Minister for IUIU and Secretary General IUIU Law Society. Because of his passion in electoral democracy, he also served as Chairperson IUIU Law Society Electoral Commission and being founder for IUIU Human Rights Association which has yielded a lot in the university.

He was further the LDC GUILD Chief Justice-Mbarara Campus throughout his stay at LDC and on the other hand of politics he has only associated himself with Justice Forum where he has been an active person in all ongoing projects within the party.

Deric notes that, “We have very many Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) who have come out to bless themselves with such roles within the EAC, these include among others SEATINI on Tax and Accountability within the region, CENESA in regard to Civic Education among others but above is the ministry of EAC Affairs which currently is supported by Hon Rebecca Kadaga’’.

Additionally, Fredric appreciates for having considered him as one of those to profile on the online news website which is renown for having a Niche on youth in leadership and governance.

I appreciate for having approached me with this questionnaire and for being in the media realm by letting the world know of such information.

Continue being a source of disseminating information since many Youths are in darkness. For I as one, I am looking forward to ensuring that overcomes various storms while bringing information the Youths. That alone is enough to me.
The Member States. Since we represent States and States are the people of Uganda.

Namakajo is a lawyer by profession who attained by Bachelors Degree of Law from Islamic University in Uganda and a Dip LP from LDC. He was recently appointed by the JEEMA president Hon Asuman Basalirwa as the secretary for legal Affairs of JEEMA, this makes him a full member of the Justice Forum Cabinet.

He further noted that ‘’ Fact be told. I Am not seeing any potential opponent because I am not competing anyone rather am representing my age group, and I believe my fathers and mothers in the August House know what it means to have their son ready to represent them in EALA.

This is still a struggle since we are awaiting for the internal democracy. But so far, I am unopposed and accordingly, this will depend on the time frame the JEEMA Electoral Commission will issue so that it declares me the Flag bearer, God Willing.

At first is getting the JEEMA FLAG. Others we shall unveil by time.



well done

I strongly encourage you to participate and I know you have the potential. Derrick is a person who is devoted and his very humorous. Go on ,keep the fire burning.

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